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Automate Amazon sales tax compliance

Sales tax filing and compliance for Amazon sellers.

While sellers are not responsible for filing sales tax on Amazon transactions, many states require reporting Amazon sales as tax-exempt revenue. Most states include sales made on Amazon when measuring

economic nexus.

Here’s what you get with our Amazon integration:

Easy integration to Amazon for automatic transaction imports.
Managed solutions for handling setup and account tracking.
Accurate and on-time sales tax reporting and filing with the states.
Effortless integration with Zamp, including onboarding and support.

Check out the app

View Zamp’s tax app in the Amazon app marketplace.

View Zamp Tax App

Loved by Founders, CFOs, and Operators

Zamp customers never have to touch sales tax again

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We'll answer all of your sales tax questions & address any of your concerns to ensure that you never have to worry about sales tax again

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    Schedule a 30 minute call and we’ll assess your sales tax requirements